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Even your family will not understand how exhausting it can be just to tie your shoes
or how difficult it is to make rational decisions. Face it, if you are depressed
you will need drugs, and depending on the severity of the disease, maybe a lot
of them, and time, maybe even some counseling. Thanks to technology and research help is
readily available--these important messengers can be restoredThe internet alone will provide tons of information and
tests that you can take privately to determine, at least initially, whether you are infected,
yes infected, it is a disease of the brain.If you do find yourself suffering from
depression take solace it is curable. It can occur at any time in a male's
life, young or old.Although depression feels like an emotional disease, and yes it does affect
the emotions, it is actually physical, an electrical - chemical problem in the brain--the disintegration
of neurotransmitters, a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses, messages, requin tn to various parts of the frontal
lobe--a sort of short circuit. Depression engulfs your entire being, everywhere, your body, your brain,
your mind--your soul.The victims are wide spread. Kolton is a seasoned entrepreneur, author, humorist, closet
philosopher and the founder of myPhotoLottery.com and PhotoBrainiac.com. The big first step is to admit
it to yourself, to confirm if depression is the cause of your suffering. It may
be heredity, bad genes--post-traumatic stress syndrome, or the stress of conditions you cannot seem to
control, childhood trauma--the list seems endless.Any kind of severe setback--for men, a divorce, business failure,
stress in the work place, loss of a job, death of a loved one are
just a few examples of what can awaken this killer of happiness within you. A
fun loving man may turn moody, a happy man sad, a passive man aggressive, a
gentle man becomes a bully, a loving man beats his wife, a successful man turns
into a failure. tn And then once you are at least partially sane again, working on
your mind and meditating will bring you back to something close to normal, whatever normal
is.Just think happy thoughts--shape up, be a man--what a load of BS some ignoramuses will
try to dump on very sick human beings. Men suffer in silence, sometimes seething with
anger in an unconscious effort to suppress the unbelievable pain of severe depression.The pain of
depression is not isolated, like say tennis elbow, you know the pain is located in
your elbow. And it can hurt men even more severely than women. Summary:In a popular
TV commercial we see a housewife suffering from severe depression and the affect it has
on her family. Severe depression dramatically changes the personality of the sufferer.Anyone who tells you
that you can buck up, think your way out, or meditate your way out of
this condition is a nutball. They may not comprehend your suffering.There are many theories as
to how one becomes cursed with this affliction. At least then you will have some
inkling why you feel so crappy all of the time.Man up, for the sake of
yourself, your family and everyone around you, you know something is not right, see your
doctor, insist--with medical help you can overcome the sadness and get somewhere close to happy
again.Joseph N. Statistically more woman than men suffer from this painful disease.Are the stats right?
How many men hide their depression behind other more manly emotions like anger or aggression?Article:How
many men dare not admit to this terrible internal pain because socially it is a
sign of weakness, or worse, it carries the stigma of a mental affliction? Men are
expected to man up and not be wimps.Yes depression hurts. For fun and cash prizes
visit http://www.myphotolottery.com/sports.htmlCopyright: you may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active
links and this copyright notice remain intact..
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