First of all, when you're talking about spreads of this size that means you're also talking
about some REALLY bad teams. And we've all been there, but nobody likes to have
to root in a terrible team. These games jump off the page right away just
for the sheer size of the spread.And yeah they almost make you laugh because they're
such a joke, but what about actually betting on these games where spreads can sometimes
reach 40 points or more? Should you try Nike Tn to get down on a game with
a spread this large?The short answer is no, but there are a number of reasons
why. Maybe USC is favored by 36 over some joke of a team. Or Florida
is favored by 29 over Florida A&M. You would think that would increase even more
later on in the season, right? Well even that theory isn't a lock based on
past performances.And that's my final and probably most important point. Looking at the data we
could requin tn only find one instance where teams covered with a winning percentage over 53%. The
statistical evidence doesn't validate taking either side in these lopsided games. We've all seen them,
those ridiculously large college football point spreads. How can you determine if the team getting
pounded will keep on working, playing hard to the final gun goes off, and trying
to get that score that makes the number?Now with the BCS involved, some schools will
show no mercy because they're trying to get those all- powerful points in the polls.
Another sack allowed, another turnover, another missed tackle, it's like the movie 'Groundhog Day,' mistake
after mistake.That's one reason why you won't see spreads this large in my system.Another problem
is there's no real precedent to follow. With a break-even point of 52.7%, that's hardly
enough to inspire confidence.My advice: stay away from the Giant NCAA Point spread!For more information
check out this Sports Betting Strategy [].Jeffery Daniels is a professional sports game bettor and
owner of
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